I originally established this blog last November, but other priorities prevailed and . . . well, you know - time flies. Now, I'm ready to begin anew. I hope to cover a wide range of ideas that might compel you to seek natural solutions for better health and wellness, and address specific formulas that your family may find useful. I am passionate about connecting to Nature for optimum health, so anything I can do to to encourage your personal relationship with Nature - hiking in the wilderness, digging in your garden, choosing regional fresh foods and making your own personal care products from raw ingredients - is mostly what you'll find here. Eventually, I'll develop a body of reference that could become quite valuable if you are seeking to get out of the processed mainstream and find ideas and resources to support your effort. I'll reference articles from others who inspire me, and I'll occasionally wander outside my professional expertise, seeking to provide a broad holistic framework of intrinsic avenues to explore. As the information grows, it will be organized in the appropriate categories, hopefully making it easy to find when you are looking for something specific and want to gather more expansive information on any one subject.
Please comment and let me know areas you are interested in. Your feedback and additions can add valuable resources to the discussion, as well. I'll be as responsive as I can, given the time I have to devote.